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PREA Re-Audit Final Report, May 2017

The PREA Fiscal year 2016 Annual Report, for the period ending June 30, 2016: View the PREA Annual Report, 2016

PREA Third Party Reporting

On March 12, 2015, Saint Gabriel’s Hall successfully completed an audit for compliance with the standards of the Prison Rape Elimination Act, as mandated by the US Department of Justice.

View the 2015 PREA Audit Final Report

In 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush. PREA is aimed to eliminate sexual abuse and sexual harassment in confinement facilities through a “zero-tolerance” policy, as well as through research and information gathering. As a result, National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape (PREA Standards) were published in the Federal Register on June 20, 2012. Saint Gabriel’s Hall has zero tolerance for any form of sexual abuse of youth under. This policy establishes standards in the area of prevention, detection, and response to such matters.

All employees, contractors, juveniles, and volunteers are expected to have a clear understanding that the agency strictly prohibits any type of sexual relationship with an individual under our supervision, and considers such a relationship a serious breach of the standards of employee conduct and contract compliance, and these relationships will not be tolerated.

Saint Gabriel’s Hall will ensure that all allegations of sexual abuse or harassment will be referred for investigation of child abuse and/or criminal prosecution via the Office of Children, Youth & Families and the local police.

Anyone who suspects that sexual abuse or harassment has occurred at school may contact either the PREA Coordinator Miles Thompson at 610-666-7970 X 247 ,Director’s Office 610-666-7970 EXT. 307, or Lower Providence Police 610-539-5901. We will take all reports seriously and they will be investigated as per the Federal PREA Standards and our own Standard Operation Procedures. Any false accusations may result in prosecution.

Saint Gabriel’s Hall will collect incident-based data on every allegation of sexual abuse at this facility. This will include reports, investigation files and sexual abuse incident reviews. This data will be aggregated annually and a report on this data will be approved by the PREA Coordinator.

The data collected from these reports will also be utilized to assess and improve upon the effectiveness of our efforts to prevent, detect and respond to sexual abuse/harassment. If necessary it will also be used to develop corrective action plans. The PREA report will be made a part of our Annual Report which will be accessible on this webpage.

Saint Gabriel’s Hall will undergo an onsite PREA audit February 9, 10, 11, 12, 2015. The results will be indicated on our website at the completion of the audit.